Who loves chocolate? Who loves flowers? Right! Every woman loves both! So, chocolate flowers are perfect in every way! Combine 2 awesome things and get something even awesomer (yes, I know that is not a word, but it totally should be)!
As I was looking on Pinterest (every hear of it? haha) for a Valentine’s Day gift for my son’s teacher I came across an adorable Hershey Kiss Flower Bouquet from All In One Day’s Time and decided that I had to make it!

If you are a crafter, who loves chocolate, then you probably already have all the supplies you need at home to make this yummy bouquet!
Scraps of fabric – cut into 4x4 squares
Floral tape
Felt for the leaves
Wooden skewers
Hershey kisses
Mason jar (not pictured)
Sticky stuff (not pictured)
Rice (not pictured)
Jute (not pictured)
Toilet paper roll – the inside part (not pictured)
And of course scissors and a ruler

After you cut your fabric into 4x4 squares, place 2 kisses bottom to bottom, then hold your fabric over to create the flower bud. Then stick your skewer in the fabric near the bottom kiss, and start to wrap your floral tape where the kiss starts to taper. Wrap your floral tape all the way to the bottom of the skewer. Easy peasy! Do as many flowers as you like! The more the merrier though!

Now it is time to cut your leaves out of your felt. Please, do NOT look closely at my leaves!!! For some reason I am a horrible leaf cutter! Or maybe it is cause I can never cut felt that great? Anyone else have that problem…or is it just me? Hmmm??? So after you have your leave cut (hopefully better than mine), take your leaves and attach them to the bud with more of your floral tape. For some flowers I used 1 leaf, but mostly I used 2 leaves to give the bouquet a fuller look.

Now, you can either stop there and make a handheld bouquet, or you can put them into a vase, or a mason jar as I did!
If you want to put them into a mason jar, go find yourself the paper middle of a toilet paper roll. Luckily, I had just changed my roll…TMI? Anyway, once you have that put some tacky/sticky stuff to the bottom of the roll so that it stays in the middle of your mason jar. Once it is in your mason jar, fill the outside part with the rest of your Hershey kisses. I actually used 2 bags for the whole project, and I didn’t even eat any as I made this! What is wrong with me? Next pour a little rice into the roll and start arranging your flowers in the middle of the toilet paper roll. If you need more height like I did, put some crumpled up paper towels on the bottom before you add the rice. Once you are done, you can tie some fabric, ribbon or jute, like I did, for that finishing touch.

I just loved how these turned out! My son’s teacher is going to go crazy over them. She can enjoy the flowers, while eating the chocolate from the mason jars, and won’t even have to ruin the flowers!
Happy Valentine’s Day!!!
Linking up to these fabulous parties!
Savvy Southern Style
The Shabby Creek Cottage