
Friday, January 13, 2012

Room for 1 more?

There are so many blogs out there that are amazing which makes it quite intimidating to start one!  My friends have been after me to start my own. So, I have finally caved in and am going to give it a try!  Wish me luck! 

For each of my friends’ birthdays, I have been making their gifts from ideas I have found on blogs or Pinterest!  My friends think I have this great creative talent.  I keep telling them that I am just copying amazing ideas and instructions from my favorite blogs.  But, after talking with my friends, I realize that YES I do have a talent for making things and am going to share it with whomever reads my blog!  Hopefully, that is YOU!!!

I am quite blessed to have a husband who is very encouraging and patient and a son who always wants what I make!  My garage is full of furniture to fix up and projects to start on!  One of my resolutions this year is to start, and finish, the ‘projects’ I have in the garage.  I am lucky enough to have the time and resources to do projects and to start this blog. 



I hope you will be back often to follow me on this new, kinda scary adventure I am starting!

It will be a HOOT! - Tara


  1. Very exciting, Tara! I'm impressed! Can't wait to be a regular stalker. ;o)

  2. Oh man my comment didn't get through! So excited to see all of your amazing creations ASAP!

  3. Look who joined the blogging realm... I've managed to ignore mine since last November. :) But thought I would encourage you with at least one comment. I'll stop to stalk from time to time. Ha!
